Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Macro Garden Tour -- The Vegetable Garden

Mmmm.  Love love love my macro lens.  The first installment of the Macro Garden Tour was my front yard.  And I now present...

~~  The Vegetable Garden  ~~
Up Close and Personal

The June Garden

The five raised beds below are in my back yard, and are a labor of love from my dear husband and incredible sons.  (Guys--if your wife/mom/sister is an "acts of service" gal, take note!  Built over the last three years, this was the best series of Mother's Day gifts I have ever received.)  And this year, two friends are gardening with me!!

Now, fewer words.  Just lots of "mmm-ing" as I post photos and dream of yummy things to eat.  :)

Flower from a purple onion

The flower on my garlic

Rosemary ( its aroma!)

Jalapeño blossom

Tomato blossom

Snow pea plants

Snow pea blossom

Snow peas and mesclun mixed lettuce

Climbing pole beans


White onions

Just-picked radish

I'll end with a few more shots of tomato blossoms (since I LOVE garden tomatoes), with a surprise in the last shot.  :)

Hi, Mr. Bumblebee!!

Capturing the moments of life.


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1 comment:

  1. Oh I just love that last photo. Maybe you've mentioned what macro lens you've got before but I can't remember - which one is it as my next lens is going to be a macro.
