Sunday, January 30, 2011

Scripture and a Snapshot -- Eat Its Fruit

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Scripture & a Snapshot!

Death and life are in the power of the tongue,
And those who love it will eat its fruit.
Proverbs 18:21 nasb

There are lots of Bible verses pertaining to fruit.  But since we studied Proverbs 18 last Sunday at church, this verse instantly came to mind.  Our teaching elder explained that the it refers to the words we are speaking.  There is a connotation that we can love our words more than understanding what we're saying, bringing all sorts of problems, strife, yes, even death.  But, there is also the connotation that if we speak wisely, our words can bring life, and healing, and comfort, and encouragement.

I posted this verse along with my pear--yum, yum--because I want the words of my tongue to be sweet, wise, and nourishing to others.

Living life; capturing life.


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Indeed My Heritage


  1. Amen. I want my words and the way I say them to be humbling and sweet.

  2. Neat photo and I appreciate the explanation of the verse. Something for me to think about a little more often before I speak.

  3. A wonderful macro shot...and a great reminder to mind our tongues!!

  4. Fantastic shot. I love the verse that you paired (ha no pun intended honest) with it. I however really really love your words "I want the words of my tongue to be sweet, wise, and nourishing to others." It goes great with your verse and picture, and honestly I will happily never think of how my words should be or this verse the same again. I will forever see your picture when I hear either. I love it!!! Thank you so much for sharing!! God Bless.

  5. Beautifully captured, with a great explanation.
