Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Project 2012 -- Week 52

Project 2012 -- Week 52
December 23-31

Welcome to my Project 2012 weekly post!  This is my time to look back over the past week, 
choose seven favorite images I've taken, and share them here with you.  
If you have a project you're working on, please leave a comment 
so I can visit your blog and see what you're up to!

Well, this is it.  My last Project 2012 post.  This post contains a little more than a week's worth of images, since there are two extra days dangling at the end of the year, what with 366 divided by 7 not being a whole number and all.  :)

This last week of 2012 images kicks off with a gift from my brother-in-law and his wife:  A honey-baked gift.  Jacob had the privilege of opening the package when it arrived.

[358] The gift of food

Christmas Day was filled with lots of fun, laughter, and memories.

[359] Christmas place setting

[360] White elephant gifts

We set aside a small part of the day to present a 50th Anniversary memory book to my parents.  They had reached this milestone back in June, but due to various circumstances we weren't able to pull things together until Christmas.  (Read about it here.)

[361] Family memories

[362] Thoughts from family

I caught the flu/a cold Christmas evening, of all times, and spent the next 24 hours in bed with chills and fever.  Yuck.  It then developed into cold-like symptoms, and I'm just finally getting around to feeling better.  During those days after Christmas, our guys had their guy buddies over a few times to play games, sing music, and just hang out together.  Their buddies brought food so I wouldn't have to cook.  That was nice.  :)

[363] Guys hanging out

[364] The final outcome

I ventured outside into the cold with my macro lens to capture a few images that contained snow.  We ended up with just a dusting, while we keep hearing about everyone else's snowy adventures.

[365] Winter grill

[366] Winter leaf

That's pretty much it for snow!  This new week promises lots of sun, so I guess that's a good alternative for winter weather.  We'll be off at the end of this week on a family adventure--off to warmer climes and wedding times!  Then it'll be back home and back to school.  With many changes staring us in the face this new year, our family adventure will definitely be a time of relaxation, renewal of hearts and minds and bodies, and strengthening for the journey of 2013.

Happy New Year!

Treasuring life's moments,

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  1. Great pictures to end your year. Love the gift shot!

    Sorry you got sick though... that is rough when it is a holiday!

  2. What great shots. So glad you are feeling better. I hope you have a blessed and happy New Year. :)
