Monday, December 3, 2012

Project 2012 -- Week 48

Project 2012 -- Week 48
November 25 - December 1

Welcome to my Project 2012 weekly post!  This is my time to look back over the past week, 
choose seven favorite images I've taken, and share them here with you.  
If you have a project you're working on, please leave a comment 
so I can visit your blog and see what you're up to!

Winter is a time of hibernation for me; Ellie frequently takes long breaks as there isn't typically a lot to shoot. Such was the case this past week, but I did use her at the end of the week to capture a family event. Here is her work for the week. ;)

Earlier in the week, I ran outside (I did grab my jacket!) to capture this colorful sunset, complete with telephone poles and wires.  Such is a sunset in the suburbs.

[330] Back yard sunset

It's always fun to grab my 100mm macro lens and capture details of our Christmas tree.  I collect snowflakes and glass icicles, though it's mostly snowflakes.  I'd love to fill our tree with all types of snowflakes, and glass icicles glittering among the lights.

[331] Glass snowflake

Every year I purchase an ornament or two.  It's usually a snowflake ornament, and my only criterion is that it either be a snowflake, or have snowflakes on it.  Below is one of last year's finds, a metal stocking with gold glitter snowflakes.

[332] Snowflakes on stocking

Last weekend, our little extended family gathered at Target to shop for six needy kids.  My dad's church ministers to local families, and he chose six kids among two different families for us to shop for.  It is so fun to pool everyone's money and get some things these kids need, and some special things they want, at Christmastime.

After spending an hour running around the store looking for clothes, movies, books, and toys, we brought everything back to my parents' home to wrap.  Below, my mom's goose--now outfitted for the Christmas season--greeted us at the front porch.

[333] Christmas goose

These next images are from the wrapping party we shared.  Sustained by Chinese food, we set about dividing up the gifts by child, choosing wrapping paper, sharing tape and scissors, and a lot of laughter and camaraderie.

[334] Gifts of love

[335] Finishing touches

[336] Thoughts of others

This year, our extended family has decided to participate in a white elephant gift exchange instead of exchanging gifts.  We're finished shopping for this year's Christmas, but we're just beginning to look for "gifts" to share with our family on Christmas Day.  I wonder what's in those boxes labeled "Garage Sale" that are sitting in our basement...  :)

Treasuring life's moments,

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  1. Oh a white elephant gift exchange would be fun!

    Love that your family got together to bless others.

  2. They are all very nice....I love the goose!

  3. Those are great photos. I really like the Christmas tree photos, so pretty.
